The Culinary Clinic

Cut the bad habit, eat authentic!
Italian classic gastronomic tradition
Italian true products, Italian excellence,
Italian Lifestyle 

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The Culinary Clinic di Maurizio Pelli
Maurizio Pelli (Italian Gourmand): Writer and private chef in Dubai
How did I learn how to cook?

As the author of “Fettuccine Alfredo, Spaghetti Bolognaise & Caesar Salad: The Triumph of the World’s False Italian Cuisine” I tell how the foreigners imaginary has often changed our Italian classic gastronomic tradition into dishes such as spaghetti Bolognese in versions that defining 'creative' would be an understatement. My Italian cuisine is based on traditional dishes, and I pretty much cook Italian with French ingredients, which are more easily available, I do the contrary of the international cuisine does, using French technique with Italian products. I am proud to have been awarded the “Italian Cuisine UAE Award” in 2013.

I’ve always cooked and I have always had a strong attraction for good food. Although I had little time when I was a businessman, I did not fail to spend a few hours in the kitchen on weekends to prepare dinner invitations.

When I retired from the business I had spare time and I have started to cook and write as a hobby, I also enjoyed to be the chef of the offshore team of one of my former business partner during the world championships in Class One 2001. Now I am an “talian gourmand” and a private chef and expert in Italian food. An entrepreneur who organizes dinners and gastronomic events for different clients. Depending on the customer’s request, I could deal with everything from appetizers to music. Of course, the cuisine is the main business.

2017. Burj Al Arab.

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