The Chef Maurizio Pelli 

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Culinary Experience

Maurizio is Your chef in a tweet

Maurizio is your chef in Dubai, for hire to cook Italian cuisine. Maurizio is excited to create your exclusive culinary experience.


The Chef Maurizio Pelli

Entertaining anyone important? Maurizio Pelli will made your dinner party dreams come true!!

In marches Maurizio Pelli, with groceries in hand. Having pulled together the menu, he takes over your kitchen, cooks anything from a three to a 13-course Italian feast in a couple of hours, and even washes-up, leaving you with a spotless kitchen, and delighted food-filled friends.

Maurizio is quick to point out, “I am not a chef, I like to think of myself as a gourmand. I didn’t go to cooking school, I am self-taught, learning from my mother, my first girlfriend and my travels around the world. You have to feel the food, understand it, before you can replicate a dish. The difference between me and a chef is I don’t care about budget. I have my own standards, not ones imposed by a restaurant. I love eating. For me, life is all about food, it’s a pleasure. An open mind is essential and am always learning.”

A self-confessed foodaholic, he firmly believes in following “pure and authentic” recipes, mostly Italian thanks to his heritage, but he’s not averse to making the odd adjustment, providing the essence of the dish remains intact. The portions are small, almost tapas-like, over many courses, allowing Maurizio to experiment and try out new tastes, flavours and textures on unsuspecting guests.

“I shop for produce on the morning of the dinner, I may have to change some of the dishes if I can’t find fresh ingredients. Dubai’s supply, even though more diverse than other countries, is not as consistent as, say, Italy. My priorities are pleasure, taste and quality – therefore the menu needs to be flexible, and I make sure my clients understand that.” Maurizio is also a history buff and will happily recount the origins of any dish around the world to your guests. In fact he’s just signed a publishing contract for his first book where, along with the origins and history of each dish, he rationalises the correct recipe.

So what can you expect Maurizio to cook for your guests? Here’s a taster of two four-course meals; one seafood and one meat, comprising an appetiser, first plate, second plate with side dish, and a light fruit dessert.

Maurizio firmly believes in cooking by sensation. “I don’t like to give exact quantities because it’s about personal taste. You can refine this yourself over time. And remember to taste the food as you are preparing.”

INFO: Maurizio is available for hire on +971-55-3636555